God-Given Longings

God’s plan for humankind includes creating people with some indisputable desires.  When these desires are satisfied with the Lord’s provision, as described in His Word, we humans are able to be at peace with ourselves and others, enjoy the fulfillment of these desires, and experience life’s joys as we navigate with God’s Spirit the ups and downs of living on this planet.  These longings are listed here: 

 §  Longing  to fellowship with God.

§  Longing to be safe and secure.

§  Longing to have a sense of worth.

§  Longing to be unique and special.

§  Longing be important.

§  Longing to experience the give and take of love.

§  Longing to enjoy others and be enjoyed.

§  Longing to find fulfillment in what they do.


Satan then comes along and seeks to deceive and ultimately destroy humans made in God’s image.  He substitutes God’s ways with these :


§  Idolatry is substituted for fellowship with God.

§  Money and power are sought to bring security and safety.

§  Personal performance is linked to self-worth.

§  Approval replaces uniqueness. 

§  Position now determines importance.

§  Sexual activity is substituted for genuine love.

§  Godless pleasure is thought to bring lasting enjoyment.

§  Career advancement is pushed as the answer to fulfillment in life.

Working one-on-one with me, I can help you to fulfill these God-given longings through a deeper relationship with Christ.







*Adapted from Wounded How to Find Wholeness and Inner Healing in Christ by Dr. Terry Wardle




Elizabeth Curet