Do you feel vulnerable? Maybe you just need to connect with someone.
Read MoreEmotional Tolerance Quiz*
Instructions: Rate your comfort level with each question on a scale of 1 to 10,
with 1 being “totally uncomfortable” and 10 being “totally comfortable.”
You can also rate yourself between 1 and 10.
Go with your gut sense; don’t overthink it. Keep track of your score.
1. When people you care about direct strong feelings like anger and sadness at you?
2. When people you care about display strong feelings like anger and sadness in your presence but not directed at you?
3. When you are angry?
4. When you are sad?
5. When you are happy?
6. Staying in the present moment, just being with your thoughts and feelings as they arise?
7. Just being with and listening to someone who is expressing emotions without trying to help by “fixing” the situation?
*What is your total score?_____ The higher the score, the healthier the person’s emotional self.
*Interpreting your score: The goal is to grow in emotional tolerance over time, and be fine with the emotions of yourself and others. If you want to increase your emotional tolerance, you might want to consider therapy. Elizabeth practices AEDP which harnesses the power of emotion and uncovers your true self.
**Adapted from It’s Not Always Depression: A New Theory of Listening to Your Body, Discovering Core Emotions and Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self by Hilary Jacobs Hendel who is a certified psychoanalyst and AEDP psychotherapist and supervisor.
Elizabeth Curet, MS, LMHC Nothing Is Impossible Counseling, LLC 772.349.2422 P.O. Box 2074, Palm City, FL, 34991
Do you feel vulnerable? Maybe you just need to connect with someone.
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